You have to give credit where credit is due, and Michael, our present Mr. El Convento Rico, has scruples enough to get boys and girls chucking their knickers at him. A natural born charmer ladies and gentlemen.
Happy Special Birthday to Jeanne, her 70th, who came out with her family to celebrate at El Convento Rico (Top). And, a big congratulations to all the brides who came out with there mates to celebrate their upcoming nuptials.
Warmest Congratulations to our school teacher turned bride and her sister-in-law and future sister-in-law for spending her stagette at El Convento Rico's, as well as to two young ladies (Top) who were regulars a few years back and came out for a night of fun.
What a strange atmosphere....a bloke offering to show off his underpants...well really how unexpected. That is sarcasm just in case you aren't a regular at El Convento Rico; where each saturday is run through of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream!