
Saturday night at El Convento with Dream Girls, starring Alisha, Mona and Nicolette Brown.

Send questions, comments and requests to elconvento_photo@yahoo.com.

Miss Honey Brown.

Miss Mohagony Brown. El Convento's Queen Tula Lopez briefly joins her for a dance (third picture from top).

Alisha has some fun with the ladies.

Mona and Alisha tie the boys up to Nelly Furtado's "Man eater."

Nicolette Brown performs. Saturday night at El Convento; more to come! Send questions/requests to elconvento_photo@yahoo.ca.

Moulin Rouge; featuring Nicolette Brown as Lil' Kim, Alisha as Pink, and Honey Brown as Maya.

Miss Mona comes out on stage.

Feisty Honey Brown as Maya.

Mona as Xtina in El Convento's Moulin Rouge.

Alisha and Nicolette Brown in their rendition of Moulin Rouge.

Back to the dance floor.

Cover girls.


El Convento's Queen Tula Lopez with a friend.

Maha with a potential Mr. El Convento contestant; he then moves on to shake it up with Charal on the dance floor.